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Students are registered at the school in their neighbourhood. Registration forms are available at the school or on the school's website.
If you have entered Canada on either a study (for fulltime studies only) or a work permit, you may register your children in our schools without having to pay a tuition fee. Please bring your documentation (study or work permit) from Citizenship and Immigration Canada to your appointment.
Canada's Immigration and Refugee Protection Act allows students (who are not Canadian citizens) accompanying their parents who have study or work permits to attend our schools.
Study permits for parents will be accepted only if the following criteria are met: (1) The parents' study is for at least one year, and (2) The area of study is more substantial than English alone.
Yes. The research is clear that early intervention is very beneficial for children with disabilities, and we work with other agencies to provide a variety of services for our preschool students. We have our Preschool Support Program where students with disabilities are provided with an Educational Assistant and consultative support.
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